
When judging posters, evaluate according to the following criteria:
• Letters should be easy to read
• Printing should be consistent with general rules for style, weight, size and case. Hand lettering should conform to a generally practiced style.
• Title should be in larger lettering than content
• There should be sufficient space around the edges and between the areas of lettering
General Appearance (30 points)
• Copy should be brief, appropriately placed and have comfortable margins (neat and clean)
• The poster should be effectively illustrated. The illustration should have appropriate impact.
• Generally the poster should be no larger than the standard size of 28” x 22”
• The poster should attract attention and the color should be pleasing.
• Correct spelling, punctuation
• The message should be appropriate, brief and clear to the reviewer. A single thought should be conveyed.
• The title and content should relate to each other.
• Develops one central idea that is presented clearly and appropriately.
• The idea should be presented in an original, clever and attention getting manner.
• Easy to understand
• Logical
• Central idea is clear to the viewer