MAKER Makers that have demonstrated great creativity, ingenuity and innovation for their Maker projects should be awarded a blue ribbon....

Electricity Judges will be judging the quality and quantity of work done in planning and carrying out an electricity project, and how...

Computer Programs
Computer Programs Program Title o Does the program have a title? o Does the title correctly reflect the function of the program? Did...

Veterinary Sciences
Exhibits in this area are left up to the imagination of the exhibitor. Posters, notebooks or educational displays are generally included...

Begin by noting the age and experience of the 4-H member, and reviewing the exhibit requirements. Keep in mind that the objective of the...

Science Projects
Judges will be judging the quality and quantity of work done in planning and carrying out a project in pure or applied science, and how...

What to Look for When Judging In general, the following factors are considered by most horticulture judges when rating/evaluation...

Foods & Nutrition
If judging is to be a learning experience for the 4-H member, it is important that they learn the cause of failures and ways to improve....

Forestry Exhibits
The purpose of the 4-H forestry project is to develop the member’s appreciation of forest plants and a basic understanding of forest...

Geology Exhibits
The purpose of the 4-H geology project is to develop the member’s appreciation of geology, including a basic understanding of rocks,...