Computer Programs
Computer Programs
Program Title
o Does the program have a title?
o Does the title correctly reflect the function of the program?
Did program run?
o When you run the program does it start without errors?
All functions of program work properly
o Do all functions of the program work as they should?
o Are there any problem spots in the program?
Ease of use
o Is the program easy to use?
o Is the user interface easy to understand?
Usefulness of program
o Does the program serve a purpose?
o Are creativity and originality exhibited in this program?
Brief description of program
o Was a description of the program included?
o Did the description explain the program well?
o Did the description help answer any of your questions?
Website Design Correct spelling and grammar
Were correct grammar and spelling used?
o Did you struggle to understand the content of the website?
Good site navigation
o Is the site navigation easy to use?
o Can you easily move from one page of the site to another?
o Is the site navigation consistent from one page to another?
All links are valid
o Are there any links that do not work?
􀂃 NOTE: If there is not an internet connection available when judging, this should only be evaluated against links that take the user from one part of the site to another.
Quality of images
o Are the images used on the site clear?

o Do the images complement the site?
o Are the images large enough to see?
o Are all of the images displayed correctly?
(No missing images depicted by a red x)
Good color combinations used
o Are the chosen color combinations pleasing to the eye?
Site loads quickly
o Does the site load quickly?
o Are creativity and originality exhibited in this website?
Printed copy of website is complete and neat
o Are all pages of the website included in the printed copy?
o Is the printed copy neat and organized?
o Is the printed copy displayed in an appealing manner?
PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation has a clear focus
o Is the focus of the presentation easy to identify?
o Does the entire presentation share the same focus?
o Does the presentation jump around to unrelated topics?
Topic is presented in a well-structured manner
o Does the presentation flow well?
Consistent design
o Does the entire presentation use one design?
o Are font styles and sizes consistent throughout the presentation?
Appealing style
o Do the colors, font sizes and backgrounds go well together?
o Does the style used detract from the presentation?
Different slide transitions are used
o Slide transitions are the effects used when moving from one slide to another.
o Were various slide transitions used?
o Are creativity and originality exhibited in this presentation?
No technical problems
o Does the presentation work without any problems?
Desktop Publishing
Correct Grammar and Spelling
o Were correct grammar and spelling used?
o Did you struggle to understand the content of the publication?
Appropriate use of Whitespace
o Whitespace is space intentionally left blank to separate items on a publication, accent a specific item on a publication or achieve other visual effects.
o Does the publication look cluttered?
o Is whitespace used appropriately?
o Are creativity and originality exhibited in this presentation?
Design is Appealing
o Does the publication look sharp and clean?
o Is the design of the publication consistent?
Content presented in a logical manner
o Does the content flow well?
o Is the publication easy to read?
Content Accuracy
o Are facts presented in the publication accurate?
o If you aren’t sure if the facts are accurate, are they logical and possibly true?
Images, graphs, etc used compliment subject matter
o Do the images, graphs or other illustrations add to the content of the publication?
o Are the images, graphs or other illustrations clear and easy to see?