Geology Exhibits

The purpose of the 4-H geology project is to develop the member’s appreciation of geology, including a basic understanding of rocks, fossils, minerals and geologic formations and implications of such. Evidence of growth in these areas is the value to be judged in these exhibits.
Most exhibits involve either collections or plans and models of geologic processes. Consider the following as you judge:
Mounted Specimens:
♦ Correctly identified fossils from the 4-H member’s collection
♦ Correctly identified minerals from the collection
♦ Correctly identified rocks
♦ Condition of mounted specimens
♦ Arrangement of specimens
♦ Completeness of exhibit
♦ Does the exhibit provide information about collection sites, stories?
Plans and Models:
♦ Accuracy of drawing or model to scale
♦ Suitability of design for intended purpose
♦ Completeness of detail
♦ Story or explanation – description of intended use or purpose of the design
♦ Posters, notebooks and written narratives may be included.