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Weaving and Spinning

Woven clothing | Woven Yardage | Woven Household Goods | Decorative Weaving


Threading and Tension

Sleyed correctly, no misthreading, uneven beating

Warp & weft

Do yarns work well together?


Are selvedges even, smooth, not wrinkled, straight/lopsided, too firm, threadbare, loose ends woven in, skips mended, spliced join in warp/welt?

Proper finish

Fulled/steamed/ironed/blocked? Properly prepared for hanging or presentation? Raw edges finished?

Degree of difficulty

How much detail was involved in design and construction process? Raised own sheep, dyed own materials? If handspun, prepared own fleece?



Good balance? Does it express a personal statement?


Is display pleasing to the eye? Does it include samples of fiber (warp and weft), threading pattern/drafts, history…?

Use of Fiber

If fibers were used innovatively, is the piece exciting/interesting? If traditional, were fibers used correctly?

Use of Pattern

Does the woven pattern enhance overall design of the project? Original pattern?


Pleasing to the eye, suitable to the piece?

Overall Design

Does the design hold the viewer’s attention?

Complexity of Design

Does the piece show appropriate proportion, balance, movement, perspective, scale, texture?


Originality, clever use of fiber and dyes, the piece’s presentation

Spinning and weaving 1

Spinning and Weaving

(Handspun clothing, yardage, household goods, decorative, skeins and collections)

Spinning Technique


Is yarn consistent throughout its length in both texture and color?


Is yarn strong enough for intended purpose? Is length of fiber appropriate to yarn diameter?

Suitability of Fiber to Yarn Design

Is fiber in good condition? Is fiber suitable to yarn design?


Even and sufficient, if singles, is it even?


Over or under-twisted?


Is the overall appearance pleasing?


Did exhibitor include sample of raw material, suggested use(s) of yarn?

Handspun Skeins


General appearance

Good balance? Does the piece express a personal statement?

Use of Pattern

Does the woven pattern enhance the overall design?


Pleasing to the eye/suitable to the piece?

Overall design

Does the piece hold the viewer’s attention?

Complexity of Design

Appropriate proportion, balance, movement, perspective, scale, texture?


Selvedges even, smooth, straight? Too firm? No loose ends, skips, joins showing? Use of proper thread and tension? Finished properly?

Degree of Difficulty

How much detail was involved in the design and construction process? Raised own sheep? Dyed own materials? Prepared own fleece? Methods used.


Originality, clever use of fiber and dyes, and the overall presentation of the piece

Spinning and Weaving

Hand Dyeing – natural or synthetic


Is dye consistently even or deliberately varied; no stains


Is item washed and free of residual dye, no knots in skeins, fabric pressed


Pleasing to the eye?


Did exhibitor include a sample of raw fiber, information about the dye and the process used. Suitability of dyed item to the design of intended project.


Originality, complexity, original design

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